Individual perspective is the cornerstone of all creation.
The foundational aspect of all development, growth and achievement requires the indispensable presence of individual perspective in order to exist. Such that any organizational construct, especially as it relates to sole proprietors and small businesses, must also be focused on the individual human resources of its business enterprise no matter how unique.
The failure to include this invaluable resource in the overall goals, objectives and outcomes associated with business goals and market share, inherently makes any organization, and in particular sole proprietors and small businesses, less capable of expansion. Consequently, and more importantly, their potential to create additional revenue streams within and without their existing market share, is greatly reduced and at the basis of their inability to survive.
About LaJuan
Managing Member and CEO of a myriad of organizations, providing strategic direction and oversight as it relates to business development and financial activities encompassing health, legal, real estate, business development services in disproportionately and adversely impacted communities.
Dynamic entrepreneur and published author as well as a frequent lecturer on various topics that include but are not limited to, law, the development, creation and management of strategic business models, health care and quality improvement practices specifically focused on sole proprietors and small businesses. Presented numerous speeches and developed training programs for community groups, educational institutions and diverse business organizations.
Also, an established instructor at multiple institutions of higher education with vast experience in developing, leading and delivering legal training, and curriculum development while implementing pragmatic and forward-thinking education solutions specifically for health care professionals and managers in conjunction with the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act.

LaJuan Talks
Strategic Management Principals of the Collaborative Organization
The healthiest and most successful model related to business strategies exist best when created with the understanding that no one does anything alone. The key element to survivability is that there is strength in numbers and though initial development may only involve the creator, the overall strategy particularly in this current climate, is considerably more advantagest when consisting of a multipronged attack to achieve the overall business goals and objective.
Simultaneous with the business startup:
*Multiple revenue streams
*Multiple markets along with greater market share
*Multiple business perspectives and strategies as part of the initial business model
The Spirituality of the Individual Perspective and its impact on all things
One cannot minimize the impact one's individual truths has on one's individual perspective. The core value of the individual will most often mirror the quality of the business product. And though an obvious necessity as it relates to the process of developing the business model, it is oftentimes overlooked due to cliche that "it's not personal, just business". Understanding the nuances of one's individual spirituality has nothing to do with religion. It is instead the highest representation and acknowledgment of self.
The Sprirtuality is instead the highest level of recognition of one's individual perspective particularly as it relates to ALL THINGS SEEN.
*The distinction between Faith vs Fear.
*The distinction between Acceptance vs Exceptance.
*The distinction between Purpose vs Desire.

The Duality-Everything that is....isn't. Everything that isn't So then that's the definition of truth....or is it?
The first step in solving any problem is contained in the ability to identify any solution. The distinctive aspect of this philosophy is contained within the boundaries of the individual's own limitations, no matter real or imagined. Fundamentally, the purpose of the duality is to increase awareness and understanding that truth is not of an either or another proposition but rather is either and the other.
This applies to all aspect of life including business and personal.
*The distintinction between the excuse vs the reason.
*The distinction between the visible vs the invisible.
*The distinction between the silence vs the sound.